korean dramas

Hi friends, missing everyone a lot..how everyone is doing..I don’t know how many of you likes to watch Korean dramas..but am very crazy about it.I enjoy watching them,their cute expressions make us love them..I suggest some


I really love them a lot..please enjoy watching them..

Amazing work

I mentioned before that am reading a novel“Before I go to sleep”by S J Watson and I finished reading this novel today and I cannot find words to express it.It has many twists and turns that make us travel in a different thrilling path where every unexpected thing happens.The protagonist of this story is a woman named ‘Christine’who suffers from a memory loss.Here I give you the blurb of the story

Memories define us.

So what if you lost yours every time you went to sleep?

Your name,your identity,your past,even the people you love-all forgotten overnight.

And the one person you trust may only be telling you half the story.

Welcome to Christine’s life.

before-i-go-to-sleep-thriller-books-about-amnesia-1This book deals with amnesia.It had won the “Crime thriller of the year”.This depicts the difficulties and emotional sufferings of people who undergoes amnesia.Surely it is a great page-turner and it takes us into the story,unable to close the book.I thought everyone will love this book,so I shared my view.


Music is a word which cannot be expressed simply in words.It is something beyond words,connects people with its sweetness and mesmerizes them.It is the only language which can be understood by everyone around the world.While thinking of music,the thought which comes is its influence of making us energetic,joyful,relaxed eventhough in tiring situation.It makes our heart feel like feather which moves by not having any particular destination,makes us realize our precious lives by clearing our head.


Even from our ancient times,the music is existing.They found some rhythm and enjoyed with the accompaniment of dance.They themselves learned them and made improvements in music.They got entertained by it.


While listening to music,we forget our grief and dissolve in music.We can realize many things after listening to a heart-warming song.



Some even feel,without music nothing can be done.They were immersed so much in the music that they like the company of music than anything.World is filled with lots of music and if we start to enjoy them by listening very keenly,our life will seem different than before.



Hi everyone!today it is a great day for me and hope everyone enjoyed like me..today in most of the classes we were free and we just chatted among us and after sometime I read novel which am reading for the past few days “Before I go to sleep” by S J Watson and it is very thrilling that I cannot close that book.Then during the last class our ma’am came and she told the main plot of the story “Surfacing” by Margaret Atwood.Really her books are interesting.One of her books “The Robber Bride” is included in our syllabus and it’s really great.After returning home I got ready to take photos for photography competition organized by our college and we have to submit photos on friday.The topic is “Nature”. I took many photos and have to select one from those pics.I am interested in photo Journalism and today while taking photos,I really felt like a professional jumping here and there taking photos ..ha ha.. I myself felt funny but really loved that feeling.


I really have a special wish to visit Egypt,while seeing those sphinx in movies I feel like seeing those statues in real.The pyramids which they had built by several difficulties and hardships make us stand with our mouth wide-open.Also the stories which are behind them astonishes us and we can see how great they have lived and how they followed their traditions and moral values.


By seeing minute details in sphinx and pyramids,we can see their talent and expertise in such great works of art.

Ancient Egypt 1

From the above picture,the method which they have used to make the royal coffin is clearly seen.Also the procedures which were undergone during such ceremony is also clearly painted.It is really surprising to see the natural paints which they have used by inventing those by themselves.


Exploring these places are surely a lifetime experience which will make our lives complete and we are in response to preserve these great architectures and monuments that are adding a great beauty to the world.

Dry lands everwhere

Nowadays we can see the abnormal changes in our seasons and because of that changes our day-to-day necessities are affected.That includes the lives of wild animals.


I love travelling and this image was taken when I travelled Yercaud for my YRC camp to create awareness about “BLOOD DONATION”.So everyone knows about the climate which prevails in such hill stations but now everything has changed.Lack of rainfall and such abnormal changes are due to the activities of human beings only ,by polluting everything to the maximum core.Atleast we must try to keep our surroundings clean and GREEN.I have implemented some in my house after hearing to a speech and suggestions of a madam who is maintaining a nursery and I can give you some suggestions regarding planting trees.It helps us in both ways

1.we are creating a fresh new environment

2.as we are using waste products in this, we can control pollution

We can use coconut shells to plant small plants,tubes of damaged tyres can be used,by stitching pockets in cloth,planting in it and we can hang it near the window,and it saves space,broken toys,boxes everything can be used.I can give you some pictures



The above picture is the one which I mentioned of stitching pockets and planting.These are very easy and occupies very small space.I will add a picture of my experience of planting.Here it is





I really love the feeling of watering these plants regularly and I hope this will be useful for everyone who loves planting trees and gardening.






First blog post

Hi everyone!This is my first experience in writing online blog and I have already tried in writing stories in wattpad(offline bookstore).Right now I am pursuing my B.A degree in English literature and very much interested in reading english novels and got an interest in writing fictional stories.During free times,me and my friends write stories and I have decided to continue my career in that fascinating path and i hope this will help me in my chosen field.Thank you everyone for reading my blog and I would love your support.